Workshop Pemutakhiran Kurikulum PRODI PAI Berstandar FIBAA


Workshop Pemutakhiran Kurikulum PRODI PAI Berstandar FIBAA

To meet the FIBAA accreditation standards, the Islamic Religious Education Study Program updates the curriculum to achieve these standards. The curriculum update activity of the Islamic Religious Education Study Program with FIBAA standards is a derivative activity of the Quality Assurance Agency of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang University. The curriculum update of the Islamic Education Study Program was held on Thursday, September 15, 2022, in the meeting room of the Megawati Building, 2nd floor, attended by ten lecturers appointed by the Head of the Islamic Religious Education Study Program.

This activity focuses on the curriculum for the FIBAA formulation and development-standardized Islamic Religious Education Program. International recognition of study programs generally uses outcomes-based education (OBE) as its primary reference criterion. OBE is an educational system that focuses on the abilities students should have at the end of their learning experience. OBE involves restructuring the curriculum, teaching and learning, assessment, and monitoring/evaluation within education. The curriculum structure is designed in such a way that defined student capabilities can be achieved. Additionally, OBE requires students to demonstrate that they have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills.