At the end of the semester 2023/2024, a total of 74 Islamic Religious Education/Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) students took the thesis examination

PAI FITK UIN Malang – Happiness shines on the faces of PAI students after they defend their writings in front of the examination board and declare their graduation. At the end of the even semester of the academic year 2023/2024, precisely this month, 74 PAI students took the thesis examination conducted in Building A, Room A.101 – A.107 for two days (27-28/06/2024).

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Islamic Religious Education Study Program of FITK UIN Malang Holds Guest Lecture to Discuss Teachers in the Era of Society 5.0

Maintaining the tradition and culture of academic freedom, the Islamic Religious Education Program held a Guest Lecture attended by more than 425 students from the 2nd and 4th semesters. The guest lecture, moderated by Dr. Laily Nur Arifa, M.Pd, had the theme "The Role and Challenges of the Islamic Religious Education Teachers in the Society Era." This event took place over one day at...

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Finalize FIBAA Assessment, PAI FITK Study Program Review SER (Self Evaluation Report) Documents and Appendix

PAI FITK UIN Malang – To finalize the FIBAA assessment, the Islamic Religious Education Program of FITK UIN Malang reviews the SER (Self Evaluation Report) and Appendix. More than six months after submitting the SER to FIBAA at the end of 2023, the PAI program team reviews the SER and Appendix. The review activity was led by Dr. Dra. Hj. Meinarni Susilowati, M.Ed (The Head of the Audit and Quality Control Center) LPM UIN Maliki Malang. The event took place at

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