At the end of the semester 2023/2024, a total of 74 Islamic Religious Education/Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) students took the thesis examination

PAI FITK UIN Malang – Happiness shines on the faces of PAI students after they defend their writings in front of the examination board and declare their graduation. At the end of the even semester of the academic year 2023/2024, precisely this month, 74 PAI students took the thesis examination conducted in Building A, Room A.101 – A.107 for two days (27-28/06/2024).

Students who took the exam comprised various generations ranging from the class of 2020 (8 semesters) to the class of 2017 (14 semesters). Based on the thesis exam registrants, the timely graduation of PAI students was 58 students or 78.38%, while more than eight semesters were 16 students or 21.62%.

The final task preparation/guidance process from the beginning to the end takes an average of 3-4 months. All final tasks must pass the Turnitin check with the maximum 30% limit imposed by the Academic Writing squad. The Turnitin proof is utilized as the main requirement for registering the final project to the other administration.

Congratulations and success to PAI-FITK UIN Malang students who have passed the thesis examination to be qualified scholars, hopefully, given the smoothness and blessings of the knowledge gained during their studies on this Ulul Albab campus. Dedicate your knowledge and experience to build a quality generation in all parts of the country. [mj]