
Become a centre for the study and development of integrative Islamic religious education based on the theory of learning and state of the art learning to produce prospective educators who master science and technology, have the character of Ulul Albab, and have an international reputation


  1. Producing Islamic religious educators who have the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and values needed to become Islamic religious educators in schools/madrassas.
  2. Producing graduates who have the competence to develop educational innovations and/or learning in Islamic Religion Education.
  3. Producing graduates who have supporting competencies (research assistants, preachers, journalists, entrepreneurs or multimedia designers in the field of education, and religious education activists)      
  4. Producing graduates who master the research methodology of Islamic Education and learning as a tool to broaden scientific, Islamic, artistic, cultural, and civilizational insights.
  5. Producing research that can be applied as a reference in developing Islamic Religious Education in schools/madrasahs. 
  6. Expanding cooperation with educational and non educational institutions, both domestic and foreign.


  1. Conducting a curriculum review every year to be adjusted to the needs of the community and stakeholders in the national and ASEAN environment
  2. Developing a relevant curriculum to the needs of the community and stakeholders. 
  3. Formulating the body of knowledge of Islamic Religious Education which is then used as the foundation of the curriculum plan to realize pedagogical, professional, personal, social, and leadership competence.
  4. Producing graduates who master the research methodology of Islamic Education andlearning as a tool to broaden scientific, Islamic, artistic, cultural, and civilizationalinsights
  5. Organizing the International Class Program for the Islamic Religion Education Program since 2010 
  6. Organizing collaborative research between lecturers and university partners 
  7. Organizing research methodology workshops for lecturers and students every year 
  8. Organizing courses to improve English language skills and English academic writing for lecturers and students on and off campus English academic writing bagi dosen dan mahasiswa yang diselenggarakan di dalam maupun luar kampus. 
  9. Melaksanakan sistem pembelajaran yang menghasilkan kompetensi utama, kompentensi metodologi, kompetensi penunjang, dan kompentensi lainnya secara seimbang. 
  10. Membangun suasana akademik yang terintegrasi dengan kegiatan kurikuler dan non-kurikuler, seperti penugasan, fasilitas publikasi ilmiah, pelatihan, pemagangan, diskusi ilmiah, seminar, utusan mahasiswa dalam forum ilmiah, kuliah tamu, dan pengabdian masyarakat. 
  11. Memfasilitasi penyaluran lulusan melalui publikasi, seminar, penyampaian informasi, magang, kerjasama. 
  12. Memfasilitasi kegiatan dosen dalam forum-forum ilmiah baik tingkat lokal, nasional, maupun internasional, serta dalam kegiatan penelitian, pengabdian dan publikasi ilmiah. 
  13. Mengoptimalkan tenaga kependidikan demi kelancaran pelayanan dan kelancaran kegiatan prodi. 
  14. Menyediakan, memanfaatkan, dan memelihara prasarana-sarana untuk mendukung pelayanan dan kelancaran kegiatan prodi. 
  15. Pengembangan layanan mahasiswa berbasis IT seperti dalam bidang administrasi dan akademik. 
  16. Menjalin kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak untuk mendukung dan menguatkan pengembangan prodi PAI. 
  17. Meningkatkan rekognisi melalui akreditasi Internasional Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA)
Vision, Mission, and Strategies