Community Service Program: PAI Study Program Trains Teachers and Students of MAN 1 Blitar on Learning Innovation and AI-Based Article Writing

PAI FITK UIN Malang - Community engagement is part of the Three Main University Functions (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi), and must be fulfilled by all lecturers. This year, the Islamic Religious Education Program of FITK UIN Malang implemented a Community engagement program at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 1 Blitar. The big theme raised in Community engagement is “Learning Innovation: Technology Based Strategy to Improve Teachers and Students Skill”, which was attended by more than 86 educators (teachers) and 15 students from Wednesday to Thursday (15-16/5/2024) at the meeting hall and computer lubritorium of MAN 1 Blitar.

This workshop activity is a form of follow-up cooperation that has been built so far in the Three Main University Functions (Tri Dharma). Several months ago, Lesus Nur Prianto A.Kh as the Head Master of MAN 1 Blitar visited the FITK UIN Malang campus and collaborated with the PAI Study Program to train MAN 1 Blitar teachers immediately adapting to the latest learning technology.

In this workshop on Community Engagement, the Program fielded ten resource persons: Mujtahid, Abdul Fattah, Benny Afwadzi, Faridatun Nikmah, Laily Nur Arifa, Ulil Fauziyah, Ainatul Mardhiyah, Fahim Khasani, and Debi Ayu Puspitasari. The service also involved five students, Atta Ayyuhda Prisma (210101110057), Alfan Ulya Ar-Rizq (230101110123), Nafa Nabilah (200101110078), Jibril Dewa Nugroho (210101110071), Qois Dhiya` Ulhaq (210101110040).

In the opening ceremony of the workshop, MAN 1 3 Blitar's Head Master, Lesus Nur Prianto A.Kh motivated that MAN 1 Blitar teachers must update and upgrade themselves to follow the latest learning developments. “This workshop activity from the PAI team of UIN Malang is part of the efforts to update and upgrade all teachers to add skills in modern developments,” said the Head Master of MAN 1 Blitar, Lesus Nur Prianto A. Kh.

Sementara itu, kaprodi PAI menyampaikan menggali nilai-nilai Surat Al-Ashr sebagai prinsip pegangan dalam berkerja. Surat Al-Ashr mengajarkan empat dimensi penting yakni waktu, iman, amal salih dan saling menasehati. Seorang guru harus bisa menghargai waktu, kesempatan dan disiplin. Juga menegaskan harus dengan planning baik, didukung SOP, berorientasi pada renstra lembaga, menitikberatkan efektifitas dan efesiensi. Sedangkan iman mengajarkan tugas guru itu merupakan panggilan hati/jiwa, yang ditujukkan melalui ucapan, perbuatan, ketaatan, keteguhan, komitmen terhadap sumpah tugas atau baiat.

Amal Shalih reminds us that teachers must be professional, solemn, excellent service, creative, innovative, capable, and work based on knowledge. Finally, advising each other reminds us of the importance of self-improvement efforts, attending workshops/seminars, MGMP associations, KKG, building networking, effective communication, lobbying, and other activities. Currently, a teacher must adhere to four main principles; awareness, motivation, ideas, performance, and movement to progress and develop. Change is having a mindset of change, creation, innovation, and adaptation to the times. Reform is adaptive to modern values, responsive to information technology, creative, innovative, and updated with artificial intelligence (AI). Continuity is the work of trying to be sustainable, and Istiqamah fulfills the duties of educators.

The purpose of this workshop is to train teachers skills in learning technology. The resource person trained patiently and diligently to MAN 1 Blitar teachers on how to design Digital-Based Interactive Learning, Utilizing Lumen 5 Digital Artificial Intelligence (AI) Media, and Designing Interactive Learning Using Powtoon. Simulations and practices were also carried out to make a stronger impression and leave a stronger memory for the teachers who enthusiastically followed from the beginning to the end of the activity. The workshop also trained students in academic writing. The material presented by the speakers included scientific writing, Digital-Based Scientific Material Source Search, Citation, and paraphrasing of scientific writing. This activity was held in the Computer Lab which is representative of academic writing training activities, because it is full of WIFI networks. (mj)