Islamic Education Study Program FITK UIN Malang Provides Students with Academic Writing Skills in Composing Final Project
PAI FITK UIN Malang - To improve research skills in preparing the final project of 2021 students, the PAI study program of FITK UIN Malang held a Technical Guidance (Bimtek). The material focused on training academic writing for PAI students in preparing quality research planning and reporting. The event was held one day in the Rectorate Building Hall, 4th floor, on Tuesday (28/5/2024).
The technical guidance event was opened directly by Vice Dean I, Dr. Muhammad Walid, MA. In his remarks, the Vice Dean I directed that research must be done honestly, credibly, consistently, and accountably as the message of Islam. Starting this year, FITK students are provided the option to write a final project, either in the form of a thesis, journal article, ISBN book, or monumental the Merdeka Belajar Policy report. “Research must give birth to great works that are systematically arranged and correct Sanad and Matan to produce superior humans, great and able to become problem-solving problem solving for people's lives,” said Muhammad Walid.
The head of the Islamic Religious Education Program conveyed the importance of seriousness in designing the final project research in a measured and programmed manner. The students who already have a title and supervisor should immediately consult with their supervisor. “The 2021 batch of students who have been appointed a supervisor of 143 people must immediately consult with the supervisor so that next August they can participate in the proposal seminar, and there are 33 students who have not immediately registered in June,” said Mujtahid.
The activity was moderated by Dr. Laily Nur Arifa, M.Pd, and presented by the main speaker, Dr. Abd. Qadir Muslim, M.Pd, revealing that research requires systematic academic writing Students are taught how to express the main idea and write sentences and paragraphs that have ideas. “Every writing must present ideas and notions so that the writing is alive and meaningful in the scientific research produced,” said Abd. Qodir, an alumnus of Islamic Religious Education, is a lecturer at Brawijaya University.
Further explanation added the steps of academic writing, starting with determining the topic to be written about, conducting in-depth research, and being supported by credible reference sources. Good writing can be measured by the strength of the argument, an interesting writing style, elegant grammar supported by valid information, and avoiding plagiarism.
At the final session, the Islamic Religious Education Program secretary, Abdul Fattah, M.Th.I. expressed the importance of understanding the technical things that are often missed, ranging from the conditions of registration to how to check the report of tasks with a Turnitin check. There are two essential things that students have to pay attention to so that they won't be late for the exam. The final assignment writing format is also concerned not only being based on "people's words" but should refer to the valid late 2023 writing guidelines as references. [mj]