The Islamic Religious Education Lecturers of FITK UIN Malang Participates in Book Writing Workshop and Ready to Produce Dozens of Textbooks and References

PAI FITK UIN Malang - Books are vitamins and superior energy for academicians. Books are presented to educate the community and the nation. Lecturers as academicians in higher education need to be self-aware of the importance of writing books in fulfilling educational and teaching tasks. That is why FITK UIN Maliki Malang held a workshop on writing reference/teaching books for lecturers, and the PAI study program delegated the most participants, namely 23 lecturers. The workshop was held in the hall of the FITK Microteaching building on Tuesday (26/3/2024).

The Islamic Religious Education lecturers who participated in the workshop came from various clusters of knowledge, ranging from the expertise of Islamic science, education, and learning to information technology. They enthusiastically participated in intense activities and were ready to write books according to the courses they taught. The book result will be partnered with UIN Maliki Press Publishing, to succeed the 1000 books program launched by the campus.

NONAMERumpun Ilmu
 1Abdul Fattah, M.Th.IAl-Qur’an Hadits
 2Abu Bakar, M.Pd.IFiqih
 3Ainatul Mardhiyah, S.Kom, M.CsTeknologi Informasi
 4Benny Afwadzi, M.HumAl-Qur’an Hadits
 5Dr. H. M. Mujab, M.ASejarah Kebudayaan Islam
 6Dr. H. Zeid B. Smeer, Lc, M.AAl-Qur’an Hadits
 7Dr. Hj. Sulalah, M.AgFiqih
 8Dr. Laily Nur Arifa, M.Pd.IMetode dan Perencanaan Pembelajaran
 9Dr. Marno, M.AgManajemen Pendidikan Islam
 10Drs. A. Zuhdi, MA.Evaluasi Pembnelajaran
 11Fahim Khasani, M.A.Akidah Akhlak
 12Faridatun Nikmah, M.PdSejarah Kebudayaan Islam
 13Misbah Munir, M.PdSosiologi Agama
 14Mohammad Rohmanan, M.Th.ISejarah Kebudayaan Islam
 15Muhammad Muhsin Arumawan, M.PdAkidah akhlak
 16Mujtahid, M.AgIlmu Pendidikan Islam
 17Rasmuin, M.Pd.ISejarah Kebudayaan Islam
 18Ruma Mubarak, M.Pd.ITeosofi
 19Sarkowi, S.Pd.I., M.ASosiologi Agama
 20Shidqi Ahyani, M.AgFiqih
 21Ulil Fauziyah, M.HiFiqih
 22Yuanda Kusuma, M.AgHikmatut Tasyri’
 23Muhammad Karim, M.Pd.ITeknologi Pembelajaran
Daftar Dosen PAI yang mengikuti Workshop Penulisan Buku

In the activity report program, the dean of FITK said that FITK was the faculty that contributed the most papers at the university level. The tradition of writing within FITK lecturers must be maintained so the academic spirit is well maintained. The tradition of writing in this faculty has been inherited by many predecessors. “We told the Rector that FITK is the largest contributor of papers to the university,” said Prof. Dr. H. Nur Ali, M.Pd

The rector of UIN Malang, Prof. Dr. H.M. Zainuddin, in giving greetings and opening the event rushed by raising an exciting challenge to the leadership of FITK to write an encyclopedia of Islamic education. The book will be a monumental work, which has not been owned by other colleges in Indonesia”, said Prof. Zainuddin.

Before ending his remarks, the rector also advised that all book works produced must be written integratively, linking the discourse of scientific thought with the values of the Qur'an and hadith. This is the hallmark of UIN Maliki Malang's written works. “Lecturers must be able to contextualize scientific concepts, and thoughts with the source values of the Qur'an and hadith, to give birth to new theories,” he concluded.

The speakers who delivered the material from professional practitioners were Epik Finillah, S.Si, M.Hum (Manager of LSP for Professional Writers and Editors), and Dr. Hayat, M.Si (Director of Unisma Press). In the first session, Epik Finillah began his material by inspiring the minds and motivation of the lecturers present. In his presentation, Epik inspired the lecturers about the importance of writing books as a transfer of knowledge, and share of information to readers, especially students who are thirsty for knowledge. “Writing a book is not just profit-oriented, but more about self-satisfaction, giving alms to others by sharing knowledge,” he said.

Lebih lanjut, Epik menyampaikan secara runtut, sistematis, taktis mengenai cara jitu menentukan topik dan kerangka buku referensi atau buku ajar, pemetaan dan penelusuran bahan, cara efektif sitasi dan parafrase dalam penyusunan buku referensi/ajar.

In the second material presentation, Dr. Hayat, M.Si reviewed the position of differences regarding monograph books (specific scientific/certain research results), books are more general in scope so that they can be used as a broad reference, while textbooks are specifically related to learning objectives in lectures. Writing a textbook is easy because the knowledge has been taught through years of lectures. “Writing textbooks is easy because you have mastered the material, so there is no story that writing is difficult,” said Hayat.

This activity will be followed up immediately and the lecturers who have participated in this event appear committed to writing books in their respective fields of knowledge individually and in groups. Hopefully, in 2024, the Islamic Religious Education Program will harvest quality books to be useful for readers. (mj)

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